Note from the Founder
Abdullah Inayat
What should you expect when you place dominoes one after the other?
Impact in the making.


The one thing that all my experience has taught me is this:
sustaining relationships with the media is a fragile effort, but one that defines your connection with your client. Although tricky, I have found my response to that challenge: being persistent in delivering the brand’s message through the right channel.
If you’ve ever created domino art or have even just heard of it, you would know the amounts of patience, intricacy, and caution it requires. It is so important that you place each domino carefully, with equal distance between them and without hurting any of the other pieces in the process because if you accidentally do that, you will destroy your entire masterpiece and will have to start from scratch.
The masterpiece here represents your entire relationship, from the beginning to a successful end, and each of the domino pieces are the interactions you make, and the steps you take towards building this relationship. Every phone call you make, every tone you take, every little thing you do counts. The trick is to do it through the right channel, what we at W7Worldwide call the ‘puzzle piece’ to the bigger picture and the most important question: by whom?
The most significant part of domino art, of course, is the domino effect: when you push the first domino and it hits the one behind it until the last one falls and creates an incredible work of art. This is the part I call the ‘impact of the message’ that is being delivered. When you take all the right steps with the media, the bridge that stands between the client and their audience, and conduct it through the most suitable channel, your impact will be impeccable.
That impact, when it happens, is what keeps me going – the difference that it makes in the lives of people and the value that it creates for brands is what brings out my passion of establishing a human connection, and building trust.
It’s why I build unconventional masterpieces of communication and strong relationships that last a lifetime – with the media, with the client, and with the audience.
Abdulrahman Inayat
How big can your message get?
I have always been fascinated by the impact that messages can have on people – it intrigues me till this day.

Here’s how I see the function of a brand’s message in an entire industry – the significance it has in comparison to the brand itself, or in relation to the products of that brand, is mind blowing.
When people watch a little boy walk out of his house, they observe his dressing, his sense of style, his manners, likes and dislikes, and interaction with others to determine how he was brought up in his house. The boy stands as a reflection of his own house, representing to the outside world what his household is like. I applied the same idea to brands and messages: I started looking at messages as representatives of brands, where they embodied the values, the culture, and everything else the brand stands for.
As the message grows, just like the boy would, the message gets stronger and starts having a bigger impact – a success story is in the making. This message then becomes a personality that builds itself with time and perseverance.
Messages are the core of communication. Although the communications industry was recently founded, communications itself is not a modern discovery. Take a look back into history, there were battles and wars that were won merely as a result of strong communication and persistence, internally and externally. The same settles in for prophets and emperors who gathered nations that still live on. I believe that messages are passed on for generations, especially if they are communicated correctly.
This is where W7Worldwide comes in: our focus lies in incubating messages of brands and fostering them to grow in the right environment and amongst the right people whilst providing it with all the tools for it to prosper. Products and their marketing are merely instruments, but what you’ve got to get out there is your message.
So how big can you really make it?
As big as you want to.