King Abdulaziz University

i. Media Relations at W7Worldwide • I. Planning • The success of a campaign or event largely relies upon the planning that goes into it. The focus of media relations planning is to help reporters and media representatives better inform the public. It is your job to deliver complete and concise information for a valuable story. • II. Media tactics • With your communications planning and key messaging finalized, it is time to begin generating interest for your program with active media outreach. • III. Execution • After a period of detailed planning, making media contacts and booking appointments, it is time to launch the media campaign in order to create ongoing visibility for the program. • IV. Program follow-up and recap • The follow-up process is important to maintain constant contact with media as well as solidify the focus of your story. Even after you have successfully pulled off a great campaign, it is imperative to keep in touch with media contacts and monitor your progress with a program recap.
We picked an exemplary University, one with vast influence, a strong number of offered majors, and a wide reach through several campuses across the Kingdom – King Abdulaziz University – as our ground operations headquarters – and then we didn’t stop. This large-scale project required an intricate and thought out plan that we devised on the basis of phases, each with their own set of objectives and operations. We went all out and covered each and every aspect of the project, which included both internal and external strategic communication in order to take a quality-driven approach. We employed social media platforms along with revamping an online portal with excellent UI and UX dynamics – reaching out to our audience in the most effective manner. Through managing and providing internal training sessions within the faculty and staff, we unified the flow of information, making the entire process a lot easier and more informed.

446,507 Visits
30.52% Frequency
What we reaped was beyond our set objectives. With 446,507 visits to the portal with a 30.52% frequency, we were able to drastically escalate the rate of awareness that positively influenced enrolments in King Abdulaziz University. There were a higher number of students who were more satisfied with their chosen majors after having gone through the BENAA program, promising a fruitful and prosperous future for Saudi Arabia. Another milestone that we managed to achieve was establishing increased interaction between students and faculty creating a long-term impact.