Another New Year, another round of resolutions.
It’s that time of the year again when most of us will make promises to ourselves regarding health, relationships, spirituality, career, etc. that we probably will never keep.
It is also a time to look back at all the new developments and changes that took place in our industry so that we know where to start from in the new year.
The year 2019 saw many bold and creative PR campaigns making brands tread unchartered territories, more brands taking a stand on social issues, agencies creating content that became a part of popular culture, companies embracing the culture of sustainability, influencers being called out for insincere and misleading marketing, and so on.
This year, we at W7Worldwide, decided to plan more than just personal resolutions, and instead focus on what we do best – public relations. So we came up with a list of PR resolutions for the new year – changes that can help PR firms better themselves and their work.
Here are some ideas that can shake up the PR industry in 2020:
Say it on a Podcast
It is time marketers and PR firms consider this much elusive audio medium as a medium of choice for communicating the desired messages. It is estimated that podcast advertising revenue will exceed $1 billion in 2020. For this reason, at W7Worldwide, we will be taking it upon ourselves to try to make utilize the podcast more in our communications.
Podcasts have an edge over other options as they present less clutter than other media, and are becoming increasingly popular among the millennials – the target audience of choice for most brands.
Videos for the Win
We have realized early on that video is King and we always try our best to use them in our communications and our clients’ communications. By clicking here, you can check out some of our video work.
The growing importance of videos in marketing and PR is thanks to their role in maximizing engagement on social media, as various studies have shown. According to HubSpot, 64 percent of online shoppers are more inclined to purchase a product after watching a video about it. PR professionals should, therefore, make much use of this important medium in 2020 and ensure that video is part of their PR strategy.
The use of video is always on the rise and in 2020, we commit ourselves to be more creative with our videos and try to identify the right opportunities for ourselves and our clients.
Collaborate More
No matter how good a PR professional you are, you know by experience that you cannot do it all by yourself. More than ever now, PR is all about collaborating with people and building relationships. Newspaper editors, journalists, influencers, bloggers, YouTubers, marketers, etc. are all people who can help you get the required coverage for your clients and further your PR goals. However, make sure the collaboration is based on trust, one that will help you establish a long-term meaningful partnership with the key people in the industry.
We always motivate our team to be more collaborative and believe in the culture of teamwork and growing together as one unit.
Get on the AI Bandwagon!
Technology is no longer the future, it is now. Our team is always trying to educate themselves about the latest technologies in PR and communications.
The year 2020 can finally expect to be the year when emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) are more fully involved in a company’s marketing and PR strategy. AI can help companies identify their target audience as well as analyze audience pattern behaviors, helping PR professionals to create personalized experiences for the customers. According to global professional services company Accenture, 40 percent of consumers tend to change brands due to a lack of personalization, while 43 percent are likely to buy from brands that offer a personalized experience. With more understanding and investment in this technology, AI is going to change the future of digital PR, marketing and advertising in 2020.
These are some of the PR objectives we wish to achieve in 2020. For now, the beginning of the New Year calls for celebration and revelry. So, take a break and enjoy, and most importantly, sit back, relax and give yourself a pat on the back – for you have survived yet another year in this dynamic industry!
Our 2020 Commitment
In 2019, we launched our initiative to help university students specializing in PR and Communications and providing them with training courses to help them find jobs easily and enable them to realize their communications dreams. We commit to continue doing just that and provide 70 hours of training for students by the end of 2020.