Abdulrahman managed his first initiative – the biggest Islamic contest that generated an incredible buzz online.
He initiated translating Islamic songs to 4 different languages: English, Japanese, French & German.
Inayat successfully completed an English course.
He enrolled in the University of Business & Technology where he pursued a major in Marketing + Inayat also began working as the firm as the Digital Media & Social Media Supervisor at a local agency.
He was always curious to employ his skills and talent, which led him to work for an international firm.
Inayat achieved a promotion that progressed his role from managing operations to becoming the co-founder and the strategic planning director.
Graduate Abdulrahman co-founded W7Worldwide achieving the first step of his ambition to establish a competitive and professional workplace by managing a local company in the communications industry and lead it to be recognized reputably in the global market.

Cofounder & Strategic Planning Director