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Oracle OpenWorld ME – Transforming challenges into opportunities.


Oracle is an American multinational computer technology corporation that sells database software and technology, cloud engineered systems, and enterprise software products—particularly its own brands of database management systems. “Oracle OpenWorld Middle East” took place 14th-15th January 2020 at the World Trade Centre in Dubai.  W7Worldwide were retained to translate the video of the main Keynote presentations into Arabic and adapt to maximise Oracle’s global and regional audience reach with Arabic speaking target audiences.


In 2020, Oracle was the second-largest software company by revenue and market capitalization. Oracle’s mission is to help people see data in new ways, discover insights and unlock endless possibilities.  The company produces its global series of annual “Oracle OpenWorld” events, bringing together thought leading industry influencers and decision makers, discuss developments in the industry in the various world regions and educate the market on its latest technology solutions. Communication is influenced by and influences culture; it is therefore essential to understand the unique culture of the Arabic language when developing communications messages and content.


In order to translate the entire event in record time, our team divided the content into three major sections consisting of half an hour each. The translation process was headed by a technical lead who remained closely involved throughout the process to ensure the transcribing was done right, particularly in respect of accuracy of specialist terminologies.  Our in-house creative team managed the syncing and execution of the translation. The team extracted key messages of each section, Keynote and topic of the video and divided them among the in-house content developers and translators.

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