by Abdulrahman Inayat | Jun 7, 2020
CASE STUDY Tabadul: Transforming Logistics Insight Since 2009, Tabadul has been advocating digital transformation to facilitate the global trade system effectively and playing a vital role in evolving Saudi Arabia as a smart logistic nation. The company was seeking a...
by Abdulrahman Inayat | May 6, 2020
CASE STUDY MENAISC2019: The Importance of the Cybersecurity in A Changing Economy Insight MENAISC2019 has successfully impacted not only cyber security professionals, but also, the media and the general public. The W7Worldwide team of consultants has sought to bring...
by Abdulrahman Inayat | Apr 15, 2020
CASE STUDIES Soneva Resorts: Securing Powerful Opportunities Insight Managing the brand image and reputation for a luxury brand is no simple undertaking since we are catering for a very specific, niche target audience. For this reason, the W7Worldwide has been on the...
by Abdulrahman Inayat | Mar 3, 2020
CASE STUDIES Empowering the Roles of Women in the Health Insurance Industry Insight Vision 2030 aims at providing a platform through which it could uplift the talents and future of all Saudis of both genders. It has laid special focus on women in recent years...
by Abdulrahman Inayat | Feb 18, 2020
CASE STUDIES OFSAC – Highlighting the Importance of Safety Insight The Kingdom’s push to pay closer attention to the global safety, in line with Vision 2030, against fire hazards in the petroleum industry, where safety is naturally a constant consideration, fire...