
With God’s grace, another blessed month of Ramadan is just round the corner. This is the second year in a row when the holy month has come to us in exceptional circumstances as we are still reeling from the disastrous effects of the coronavirus pandemic.


As we are all set for this year’s Ramadan, we pray that our lives return to their previous state of normalcy in all of our affairs, from traveling to socializing and others.


Our annual Ramadan blog series has returned with a number of informative and educational write-ups, this time on the traditions and culture of the holy month in the Hijaz region, which is one of the fastest developing regions in the Kingdom and home to diverse demographics and cultures.


Our blog series in the past years focused on Saudi Arabia’s central region (here), which was followed by a series about the Eastern Province (here). This year, we will review the common customs of the “month of communications” in the Kingdom’s western region.


Hijaz is one of the Kingdom’s five most important regions, consisting of four main cities: Makkah, Madinah, Jeddah and Taif, distinguished by the diversity of its topography, cultures and civilizations. In addition to being the center of religious tourism for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims, the region offers a plethora of options and destinations for recreation and entertainment, thereby being a major player in international as well as domestic tourism. 



As noted earlier, the customs and traditions across the Kingdom and the methods of social communication are very similar, so you may notice some commonalities between Hijaz and other regions. 


The series will be divided into a number of topics that we will present periodically on specific days of the month that contain the number 7. These blogs are:


1-    The 7th Day of Ramadan: 7 special dishes in Ramadan on the Hijazi table.

2-    The 17th Day of Ramadan: You will not be lost in Hijaz during Ramadan. 

3-    The 27th Day of Ramadan: 7 special habits of the people of Hijaz during Ramadan.

4-    The 7th Day of Shawwal: 3 reasons to celebrate Eid in Hijaz.


We hope that you will enjoy with us on this journey of learning and gather new bits of information about social communications in the Hijaz region. May God bless us all and make this Ramadan a grand success.